My professional Story

Specializing in challenges like PTSD (including Childhood PTSD), depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and grief, I offer transparent, caring, and empowering support. 

The way I work enables me to support you on all levels of your being (mind, body and spirit), for truly transformational outcomes. 

I will listen deeply, with a compassionate inquiry approach. I am also trained to use therapeutic touch and other embodiment practices. The combination of talking, touch and embodiment practices will enable us to retune your nervous system, release that which no longer serves you, integrate big life experiences, feel emotions fully in safety, and open to the magic of life.

I work relationally, intuitively and with presence. This means that I will be energetically alongside you, supporting you to find your own centre, your own ground, and your own unique way of living your true, authentic life path. 

As a trainee member of the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapists (UKCP), I prioritise continuous professional development and receive the highest quality clinical supervision. 

I have learned that cultivating connection with the natural world, drawing on the wisdom of our ancestors and the more-than-human are integral aspects of healing on the deepest level, and this informs how I work, even when we are sitting in our chairs in the therapy room.  

My goal is to foster lasting positive change in your life. Together, we’ll navigate your unique journey towards a future filled with hope and fulfilment.
I completed my core training in body psychotherapy in 2022. I am now a trainee body psychotherapist working towards full accreditation with UKCP. 


Whatever you are struggling with...

I work with individuals presenting with a variety of difficulties, including PTSD, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem and grief. These are broad terms, and I appreciate that each person has their own life-story and specific set of challenges.

I will work with you in a transparent, caring and empowering way. I am trained in a modality of psychotherapy that was developed to enabling you to achieve deep and lasting change in your life. My focus is on supporting you to achieve what you want to achieve, and on creating maximum value for you going forward. 

"Your body holds the untold stories of your soul"

- JE

Working with your Body

As well as body psychotherapy, I also also biodynamic massage and Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) for further nervous system support. 


I am deeply committed to expanding the evidence-base for the benefits of body psychotherapy. My works have been published by Body, Movement and Dance Journal (Taylor & Francis), as well as by the Journal for the Association of Biodynamic Massage. 

"By listening deeply to the body, whatever has been trying desperately to get your attention can relax and move on"

- JE

I provide a safe, mindful and non-judgemental space for you to explore new ways of experiencing a fuller enjoyment of life.

Sometimes life can feel very challenging. If you are experiencing issues with relationships, struggling with your mental health, or feeling like there is more to be gained from your life, seeking support is the first step towards change.

Body psychotherapy can help you to gain internal resources for relating to those around you, cope with life’s challenges, experience more fulfilling relationships, and know yourself on a deeper level.